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Monday 24 December 2018

60 Bones In The Human Body You Must Know

60 bones absucafe
image of scapula
There are 206 bones in the human body. But among the 206,there are 60 notable ones listed as follows

1.  Hyoid
2. Sternum
3. Fibula
4. Ribs
5. Cervical ribs
6. Cranial bones
7. Parietal bones
8. Frontal bones
9. Temporal bones
10. Sphenoid bone
11. Ethmoid bone
12. Facial bone
13. Nasal bone
14. Lacrimal bone
15. Zygomatic bone
16. Palatine bone
17. Inferior nasal concha
18. Vomer
19. Mandible
20. Malleus
21. Incus
22. Stapes
23. Humerus
24. Ilium
25. Ischium
26. pubis
27. Scapula
28. Clavicles
29. Ulna
30. Radius
31. Carpals
32. Scaphoid bone
33. Lunate bone
34. Triquetral
35. Pisiform bone
36. Trapezium
37. Trapezoid bone
38. Capitates bone
39. Hamate bone
40. Metacarpals
41. Phalanges
42. Sacrum
43. Femur
44. Tibia
45. Fibula
46. Tarsus
47. Calcaneus
48. Talus
49. Navicular bone
50. Medial cuneiform bone
51. Intermediate cuneiform bone
52. Lateral cuneiform bone
53. Cuboid bone
54. Metatarsal
55. Sesamoid bones
56. Patella 
57. Pisiform bone
58. Fabella
59. Atlas��. Etc

Summary of the bones of the human body
Spine === 26 bones
Chest=== 26 bones
Head=== 28 bones
Arms=== 64 bones
Legs=== 60 bones
Pelvis=== 2 bones


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